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  • Writer's pictureWeiLi

What is One Thing You Can Do NOW

Updated: Jan 12, 2021

The other day started like this… I had a great night's sleep, woke up exceptionally early and witnessed a shooting star! I remembered in one of Dr. Wayne Dyer’s CDs, he said “God is talking to you when the whole world is quiet. Don’t go back to sleep. Get up and listen.”

So I got up, full of energy. I went to the bathroom and the clock showed 4:14am. Wow! Early!

I regularly wake up around 5 a.m. My morning routine starts with making myself a warm glass of water with fresh squeezed lemon juice. Delicious lemon water in the morning warms my body, warms my soul.

At 5:30, I start a beautiful morning meditation -- a few Sister Goddesses are regular meditators with me at Athena’s 5 AM Club. Phyllis, Goddess of Fire, and Christine, Goddess of Perseverance, are the most regular ones. We say good morning in the chat. And after our meditation, we wish each other a beautiful day.

At 6:00 am, as I was sitting in front of the computer to write, an inner voice told me to savor my moments, specifically on how Athena Sisterhood was born.

This brought me back to January 13, 2020. Seven of us, Sister Goddesses, sat around the dinner table, in a beautiful all-inclusive retreat in Mexico. We decided to hold space for each other to birth our babies/dreams. We are each other's doula sisters. I knew very clearly what to birth next; it was my mission, the purpose of my life.

I had been teaching in China over the last few years. A feminine leadership program was called “Doris and Me”. (Back then I was still going by the name Doris) But somehow sitting at that dinner table, I didn’t feel that my name should be in the next “thing” that I was birthing.

Deep down, a voice said “This mission/movement is much bigger than you. Create and allow space to grow. It is sacred.”

Then COVID happened and on March 14, 2020, Goddess of Stillness sent to the doula sisters group, a text from her dear friend Patrick. It said: “Humanity is at a critical juncture, experiencing fear, economic uncertainty, and panic on a rapidly growing scale. The antidote is love, peace and serenity. So I’m asking all my friends who are lightworkers, empaths, energy healers, and witches and wizards, to call in Divine Light and unconditional love now. Please become a beacon of Divine Light for the world to see, and help raise the vibration of all mankind. It’s what you came here to do!! I love you.”

That same morning, I asked my doula sisters to participate in a “hot seat” with me, a tool that we use in the Sisterhood to help us to get clarity.

Eliza’s hot seat question to me was, “WeiLi, what is one thing you could do NOW to be the beacon of Divine Light for the world to see?“ My answer, “I will set up the Athena Sisterhood FB group!”

That same night, at 22:22, the Athena Sisterhood Facebook Group was created and baby Athena was born. She is a Goddess representing Wisdom, Courage, Inspiration, and Peace.

This week, as we are getting ready for Athena’s first Global Summit, with more than 1,200 women in the group, I want to deeply honor my beautiful doula sisters: Corrine, Deb, Sally, Laura, Eliza and Drea.

You, Goddesses, have given me a lifetime of experience of true sisterhood. Your unconditional love makes me want to share this with the world.

I thank you and love you.

I take your heart into my heart, and I protect it with my shield.




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