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  • Writer's pictureWeiLi

Happy Birthday Serena

Dear Serena, my beautiful daughter, today is your birthday. Hard to believe that 16 years ago today, three hours from now, you arrived in this world.

To prepare for your arrival, my Doula taught me to practice breathing with ice in my palms to build pain tolerance. Through the most painful hours in my life, the reward, the unspeakable bundle of joy, finally arrived in front of my eyes. No pain medication was used in delivery so you arrived fully alert. When the nurse placed you on my chest, immediately after you were born, you looked at me and held my gaze. I didn’t know that a newborn could look into my soul like that. It was a moment of deep connection between a mother and a daughter. I have since treasured it every day of my life.

Dear Serena, my beautiful daughter, You were born an old soul. When you were seven years old, you said when God created babies, he shot an arrow through women’s hearts, so all babies were born with love. It made me wonder how many lives have you lived to share such wisdom in this life time?

Each birthday, you’ve always asked family for wisdom instead of presents. For this birthday, you asked all of us, your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and even your young brother to share their wisdom in What is the meaning of life?

I think the meaning of life is to live one’s purpose. And the purpose of your life is to find your gift and give it away.

Dear Serena, my beautiful daughter, the purpose of life is serving and you must learn to serve yourself first, take care of your body and soul. Love yourself means love all aspects of you, even the areas that you might not feel lovely. Love them all. As women, we often attend to others before we fill our own oxygen tank. When you fill your tank and are feeling happy, everyone around you will be too.

Dear Serena, my beautiful daughter, have faith, trust the universe always provides for you. No dream is too big. All ideas start with a thought. Stay true to your heart's desire and the universe will find a way to deliver it. The more you give, the more you will receive because energy never dissipates, it only transfers and changes forms. Life supports what it supports life.

Dear Serena, my beautiful daughter, embrace the lover, the warrior, the magician and the queen in you. Imagine this team, they are advising you and act in your best interest at all time. Cultivate each and grow them in you. Celebrate how magical your life is and will continue to be.

Dear Serena, my beautiful daughter, your life matters. What you say and do matter. You once said you didn’t know what was your passion “Because I have so many, mommy.” I smiled, “Well, how lucky are you. Follow them all.” How? Follow the path of least resistance. What fills your heart with joy is the path of least resistance. Keep in touch with your feelings, let pleasure guide you, don’t be afraid to adjust your path along the way. Let your heart lead you. You love writing, so write. You love traveling, so travel. You love food, so create and share. You love fashion, so design and inspire. You are an artist at heart. Creation is your religion, So create to your heart’s content. You are destined to experience the fullest of the rainbow.

Dear Serena, my beautiful daughter, be patient. I know in this day and age, everything happens so fast but good things are worth waiting for, just like delicious meals sometimes take time to simmer. I am reminding myself the same as these words landing on the page under my typing fingers.

Dear Serena, my beautiful daughter, you are already living the purpose of life, even though you might not know it. Every lesson you learned, every book you read, every experience you lived are preparing you. You are guided by a greater force. People have been and will be continuously sent your way to mentor you, assist you and help you to co-create your magnificent life.

Dear Serena, my beautiful daughter, I wish you a life full of love, joy, laughter, fun and adventure. Go where your heart takes you, ignore all the naysayers in the world. Believe. You are destined for greatness. On your birthday, I would like to again share my favorite poem Deepest Fear by Marianne Williamson:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you,

We are all meant to shine, as children do.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It is not just in some of us,

It’s in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give permission to other people to do the same.

As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Dear Serena, my beautiful daughter, you are born to shine. You are born with light within. So shine baby shine.



Everglade National Park

1/2/2022 (5:00 AM)


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